This is my gift to you!
Won't you join me in creating a better world?

Free Video Series: 

Turn Your Daily Difficulty Into Peace

I am grounded in the truth that within all difficulty there is light, and as a teacher of Practical Spirituality I remind you that you have the choice to place your attention on the difficulty or on the goodness that constantly surrounds you. Please remember that what you place your attention on grows.

We are at a pivotal moment in the evolution of our planet.

A new Earth is being born and our individual actions contribute to the frequency of the field we all experience.

To that end, I have created a four-part video series to teach you how to transform any difficulty you experience into peace and I invite you to join me.

Each video is less than 15 minutes and I'll share with you specific information and practices that you can use immediately to begin to turn any difficulty in your life into peace.

We have a unique opportunity now to heal ourselves as we heal our planet, won’t you join me?