Welcome To Selina’s World

Know Wonder

Selina Maitreya is widely praised as a lecturer, author and teacher in the way of Practical Spirituality—her own unique approach to living one’s truest daily life.

Selina is a spiritual student studying many philosophies, practices and beliefs. Drawn to the powerfully simple idea that we are all one. That our natural inheritance is love. That our actions affect us and every single energy entity. Coming to these truths, Selina began to live her life as her practice. Committed to responding from love to life’s many challenges, gifts and experiences, Selina began to live her Practical Spirituality.

Selina’s life completely shifted and she realized that regardless of external circumstances, her high frequency response created an existence that was peaceful, abundant, with rich and meaningful relationships.

It all came to stark focus in 2013 when Selina experienced a life-changing moment that reinforced the work she had done to live in love.

A serious car event left her severely impaired and brain damaged. Despite enormous challenges, Selina continued to feel blessed, and was never concerned for her fate.

Unable to sustain conversations, or fully use her brain for tasks, she focused on constant meditation and rest. During this time, she was visited continuously by Spirit. Messages were downloading daily and she was informed that her life had shifted forever. She was told that her lifelong role as “Teacher” was about to take another turn.

It was clear that her practice of responding to all from love, was the reason supporting her total certainty and positivity during this catastrophic period.

At that point, Selina Maitreya became entirely committed to life as a spiritual teacher, devoted to helping others respond to life as love. Selina has experienced the teachings of Practical Spirituality under truly devastating conditions.

It is real, it works and she is living proof of living love.  

Selina Teaches

Spiritual Mentoring

Raise Your Frequency Transform Your Life Work Study Group

Interviews + Events