Practice What I Teach Goodness Gracious

Free Online WORKSHOPS: 

Creating Our New Earth Together

Life on planet Earth can be joyous and peaceful and it can also be filled with irritation, disappointment, and loss.

These days many people will tell you that they feel there is more pressure than ever in their lives.  

They point to having less time and money, and they rarely experience kindness as they move through their day.


Are you moving through your life with ease, creating abundance and living in peace?


Are you still experiencing worry, living inside of stories of loss and pain and finding yourself harshly judging others and yourself, as you move through your day?

Wouldn’t it be helpful to have POWERFUL tools that would empower you to transform all of your difficulty into peace?

JOIN ME and others who are eager to live in equanimity and active manifestation for 3 webinars over the next 3 weeks! Once you sign up for the workshop series, you needn’t sign up again.

Register once for access to all three workshops.

Three Workshop Topics

Transform Any Difficulty and Loss into Peace


We live every day with a false understanding of why difficulty exists.
Sign up and learn how to USE any difficulty or loss you have experienced as an opportunity to achieve the peace you seek!

If this sounds crazy or unreal, or you are intrigued by the possibility, you’ll most definitely want to attend!

Drop Your Judgemental Ways and Welcome in JOY!


OK Judge Judy, it’s time to discover which areas of your life you are most critical of and finally learn how to use your judgement as a positive tool that can take you to peace… really!

Leave Your Stories Behind and Walk Into Your Life!


How many times have you repeated your stories of past hurts and pain over and over?

Did you know that the old stories you still tell yourself about you, are holding you back from living your abundant life?

It’s time to let of your stories that do not serve!

Learn why living inside of your stories doesn’t serve and discover ways to use your history in ways that truly benefits you!

Register once for access to all three workshops.

Once you sign up, you will be able to attend each workshop and I’ll send you the information you need for all 3! Once you sign up for the workshop series, you needn’t sign up again.

(Don’t worry if you can’t join us live, I’ll be recording and if you are signed up, you will automatically receive each audio file a few days after the live event)

One of the ways we contribute to our world is to share knowledge and opportunities for growth with others.

That’s why I’m inviting you to this workshop series and why I encourage you to share this opportunity with those you love who would benefit from the information.