Bringing Purpose To Being & Spirit To Living

I empower my students to respond to daily stress with their highest knowing, enabling them to transform anxiety, irritation and worry into peace which provides a platform for abundance of all sorts, to land.

Are you ready to shift?

Change your frequency
Change your life

Does your spirituality vanish when the candles are blown cold?
Does your gratitude fade with the meditative music?
And does your grace for humanity remain on the floor as you rise from your meditation pillow?

To live one’s spirit is to overcome the low frequency negativity often present in the physical world. I’ll show you how to make your daily life your spiritual practice, and how to live beyond your current circumstances. You’ll no longer be defined by the outer world and your frequency of love will guide you to build a life in alignment with your spiritual values.

Tune In

Your brain is constantly receiving low and high frequencies. From your first breath, your intuitive body (high frequency) was available to you as your 24/7 GPS system, just waiting to be tapped. But then came life’s chaos and conditioning (low frequency). These distractions take you from your higher knowing and created negative energy that you unknowingly and continually choose to access.

When the divine within you meets the darkness of a hostile motorist, an irate co-worker or a deep ache… will you tune to your high or low frequency?

Whether you select fear or love is the profound difference between numbness and oneness.

How to work with me...

Spiritual Mentoring

Raise Your Frequency Transform Your Life, a Work Study Group

What Students Are Saying...

"I value Selina’s practical approach to spirituality because it is with the application of information where most of us struggle. How often do we catch ourselves saying – “I know…” while continuing to move through the ruts of our daily routines as though we know nothing at all? That is why Selina is the “teacher for teachers.” She not only knows the intangible, governing principles, but also lives them. And it is this real-life mergence between thought and action that leads to true wisdom and the ability to guide others in living their truth. Selina listens closely, feels deeply, thinks clearly and speaks with a powerful grace that touches the soul."

Julia Simkin

Transformational Coach

"Working with Selina deepened and expanded my life, my spiritual practice, my world outlook in so many powerful ways! Her wise counsel, laser-insights, and profound channelings from Spirit really nudged me to consider new perspectives and ways of being. And I now have a “library” of her amazing meditations to tap into whenever I need to be inspired, grounded or energized. Thank you, Selina, for your compassion, your open heart and your practical, spiritual support."

Deborah Roth

Spirited Living Teacher

"When you work with Selina, she will assist you through the most challenging phase in your life, and bring clarity to situations that you perhaps were not aware about. Working with Selina is like having a therapist, a spiritual guide, a guru and a life teacher all rolled into one. Selina has been sent to the universe, to teach and I am forever grateful that I found her. Thank you Selina for all that you do. Indeed you are the teacher of teachers."



"Selina has been a part of my journey for many years now. She is always intuitive, gentle and supportive and has helped me through some very challenging times. The spiritual teaching sessions with her have been helping me grow, believe in myself and my ability to create my own path. I’m very grateful our paths have crossed and for the wisdom Selina has been sharing with me all this time."

Claudia Paul

NYC, New York

FREE 'Open to Receive' Meditation

Please fill in the information and then go directly to the Open To Receive Meditation that will
bring you an exquisite experience! It is my pleasure to share this with you.